The most asked questions about our membership platform: ANSWERED.

Why isn’t there an application?

As women, we already have enough odds stacked against us, so creating unnecessary anxiety to create the idea of curation isn’t our goal for the community we are building. In fact, it reminds us of waiting to be chosen for dodgeball in grade school. #WeAintDoingThatHere 

Women joining a membership called Dear Grown Ass Women™ is all of the self selection we need. And if this methodology changes in the future, we will be fully transparent about that, too.

Why do I need this?

If you’re anything like most of us, you’ve spent your entire life among folks that look pretty similar to you, believing what you were taught about a lot of things but never really exploring WHY. And now you’re at an age that allows you to look back on your life with more perspective and forward with curiosity & enthusiasm. You want to expand your circle & become a part of a community with other women who are also on a journey to rediscover who they are and what matters to them today.

What are we going to be doing inside Dear Grown Ass Women™?

All the things. You can engage as much, or as little, as you’d like to. You can take part in everything or some of the things. 

  • Important Discourse & Conversations

  • Virtual Founder-Led Community Gatherings

  • Local Meet-ups (NOTE: Most gatherings are now virtual. All must be vaccinated to attend in-person gatherings during the Pandemic, when applicable.)

  • Directory of Members and Businesses

  • Community Book Club

  • Members-Only Virtual Coffee/Cocktails

  • Members-Only Exclusive Content

  • And more to come...

I'm not 35, can I still join this community?

This community was created based on the need for a safe & welcoming space for GenX & GenX(ish) women over 35. Though we will not check your identification (because we believe women), we ask that you await your 35th birthday to join our community.

I already have great friends, is this for me?

Yes. See below question.

Is this a group for women with no friends?

Sure. And also, no. This is a community that will expand your inner circle, engage your mindset and challenge your own limitations of what you believe sisterhood is. 

We believe in the life-affirming power of diversity in community and know that most of us, often by default, surround ourselves with women who look exactly like us. We do not grow in the same way when we silo who we are.

Dear Grown Ass Women™ is going to be right for you because everything about who you are right now is the exact amount of enough for this community.

In fact, this group is NOT going to be a good fit for you if you’re:

  • A taker but not giver

  • Looking for this group to act as a licensed therapist

  • Negative and pessimistic

  • You have a constant need to be right rather than a willingness to truly listen

  • All about you and less about “us”

Not you? Great - we didn’t think so. Honest conversation. No bullshit. So come on in and welcome home.

Do I have to be in New York City to participate?

No, our founder is in NYC but we will be hosting in-person events and local meetups in different host cities. From writing prompts to book clubs to face-to-face and online meet-ups, we’ll help you find a way to connect that is natural and authentic to your unique you-ness.

I don’t own a business, is this for me? OR I DO own a business, is this for me?

Yes. Some members may be business owners (and if you are, we have a fancy ass business directory) but our members range from busy stay at home parents to C-level executives to academics and creatives. The only similarity is that we are all grown ass women.

Can I pay for a month to see if it’s a good fit? // Can I get a refund?

Because it takes time & commitment from each member to cultivate trust and grow our community, we currently only offer annual memberships. However, if you find that Dear Grown Ass Women® isn’t a good fit, email us within 7 days of your active membership at and we will refund your money. (To best understand what didn’t work for you, we do require that you are an active participating member during that time by attending a gathering and introducing yourself on the platform.) Outside of the first 7 days, we do not offer refunds. No exceptions.

Why discourse & conversations? I talk enough!

Here's the thing about the quality of discussions we often have: We're preaching to the choir because we surround ourselves with people who already think like we do. These discussions feel good (mostly) but they aren't creating change. Alternately, you want to take these conversations further. You want to act and surround yourself with inspired women who seek the same. You want to feel, do and become the very best version of YOU.

We’re ready to challenge the status quo and explore what we believe and why, and we’re ready for our voices to be heard. But that doesn’t mean we’re going to trample over each other to get there. Instead, Dear Grown Ass Women™ is about all rising TOGETHER and learning how to live as “us” instead of just “you” and “me.”